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PROGENIO MAXX® is the CAD-CAM-PDM software designed and developed in Italy by Planstudio s.r.l. for those who design, engineer, produce, assemble, install and maintain customised and contract furnishings for: yachts, large luxury and cruising vessels, hospitality and luxury residential spaces, as well as boutiques, shops, commercial spaces, etc.
Since 1997 we develop software solutions and support for companies in the Custom Furniture, Nautical and Contract sectors.
We help companies that design and produce increasingly different furniture to automate manual processes, reduce errors, optimize the management of their jobs and tackle the path to digital transformation in a correct and sustainable way.
Bentley Systems crowns Planstudio as Bentley Platinum Partner, Bentley Institute Product Training Partner and BDN contract development center unique in Italy.
The collaboration between Bentley Systems and Planstudio is long-standing, a relationship that has lasted more than twenty years and continues to see Planstudio as the benchmark for Bentley Systems software and services in Italy: a partnership that stands for quality and 360% support.
CEO & Founder, Pad project final design studio, nautical sector